SDI 2023 Screening
CreaTV San José's Summer Documentary Institute showcased three documentaries created by the next generation of South Bay media makers. The documentary screening on Saturday, July 29 from 6 – 8:30 pm featured the work of the 2023 cohort. These youth-created documentaries highlighted topics that are important to our community. The attendees watched the short documentaries, interacted with the filmmakers, and asked questions during the Q&A session.
Summer Documentary Institute is a workforce development program that provides training in film production, technology, and leadership development, at no cost, to underrepresented youth in San José, ages 14-18. The Summer Documentary Institute encourages positive self-expression and social change through media making while inviting youth to explore technology-based careers.
Over the course of 5 weeks, the interns worked together to create documentaries that focus on subjects of importance to our local community. The Summer Documentary Institute is a collaboration between CreaTV San José and SJ Works and is sponsored by California Humanities and The Davidson Family Foundation.